Why use us... 7 Benefits
Your search is managed from start to finish.
As your personal representative and advisor in the London property market, we are there to answer your questions
and offer advice at every stage of the search.
You will see only the best properties.
Typically, estate agents want to show you as many properties as possible, regardless of how suitable they are.
As your personal buying agent we will preview multiple properties, shortlisting only the best for you to view.
You see off-market properties.
Many of the finest properties sell before they hit the open market. We access these properties giving
you the competitive edge.
You save money
As experienced buying agents we are there to negotiate the best property on the best terms, last year
saving clients an average 5.9% from the listed asking price in a competitive market.
You can use our network of property professionals.
We aim to add value to every stage of your search. Whether you need a lawyer, surveyor, architect or builder,
we can connect you with vetted professionals.
We work for a maximum of four clients at one time.
Our policy that each partner will represent four clients at one time ensures you get a dedicated
and comprehensive service.
We come from a mix of professional backgrounds.
Before becoming property search agents we have worked in a diverse range of property disciplines
including property development, investment and estate agency, giving our clients a comprehensive level
of knowledge and expertise.
T • 020 7183 1078